
5 Cannot-Forget-Essentials You Need to Have With You On Your Honeymoon!


The honeymoon is one of the best and the most important journies after the wedding takes place. With your spouse, it will be the first-ever trip you two will go on together after marriage. Safe to say, many couples plan their honeymoon in a special manner, making sure it lays the foundation of your marriage filled with love.

You have all the rights in the manner – you have had a dream wedding with the partner you love and now that you two are wearing each other’s names on your fingers, a dream honeymoon is everything you need.

Before you get boarded on a plan, here are a few things you need to make sure you don’t leave without when leaving for your honeymoon:

1. You and Your Spouse’s Travel Documents

The first things that should go straight in your backpack are your travel documents – the travel insurance details, tickets, hotel reservations, plane tickets and of course, the passports. Make sure to keep copies of every document with you.

2. Converted Money

Make sure you convert your money before you do the honeymoon destination. Also, make sure that you pack your cash in different places – break them into different parts and then add them to the luggage in different places. Do not carry all the money in your wallets.

3. Contraceptives

To be on a honeymoon is to have all the fun in the world with your spouse and this includes the indoor fun as well. Make sure you travel with contraceptives and birth control pills when you go on a honeymoon and make sure to have loads of them. You definitely don’t want to first waste your time finding the right shop to kill the mood.

4. Medicines

Make sure you keep your dosage in case you have a health condition. Aside from that, keep a box of medicines that has motion sickness medicines, antacid, aspirin and band-aids just in case something happens. Better be prepared.

5. Comfortable Pair of Shoes

Where ever you plan to go, shoes are important because traveling includes sightseeing you definitely don’t want to be a buzz kill if you are not even having comfortable shoes to see the foreign country you are in.


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