
“I Am A Firm Believer In Feminism And I Care About Men’s Equal Rights Too”


As a third generation card-carrying feminist, we are often labeled as something like “too liberal” or hear things like “she’s feminist type”. While this “F” word is a never-to-say in public because as soon as you say this word and associate yourself with this people would start leaving the place. Cannibals much?! Ugh!

Now, we all know the cliched raty hue terms that calling yourself a feminist means that you’re a confident and independent woman! While all this is happening; imagine you are sitting in a restaurant and at the end of your amazing date the bill comes. What would a feminist do? Obviously, ask the waiter for the bill and pays for it. And if not full she’d politely ask her date to split it. But no! That’s not what many women would do. Even if they wear the badge of a “pakki sachi feminist” eh, amirite?

Sweetie, no!

Look, I’m a feminist or whatever you call it and at the age of 23 I earn enough money to live a financially independent life. I am not doing anyone any favor by being a woman, neither is any men. I have always believed that people get what they work for, be it respect, friendship or money for that matter.

Rahi bat feminism ki, darling it is actually about the “equal rights of men and women”. Hence, whenever I got out with the love of my life or the casual hang out with my university friends. I make sure that I pay my share or even sometimes the dinner is on me!

And yad rakheye if a man “let’s” you pay because you can, it would not and SHOULD not hurt his ego. It should only hurt his ego when he “makes” you pay. That is when a guy saves his salary or invest it and asks you to pay for the rent and other stuff from your salary. Us waqt phir yad rakhna “Feminism is equal rights for both”. Geddit?

So, if you are an intelligent, confident, and independent woman having a high self-worth, and DESPITE earning enough you do not pay for your food and other stuff. Chances are you might need to re-think this habit again!

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