
Here’s All You Need to Know About Vaginal Infection and How It can Turn Fatal


Vaginal yeast infection is actually caused by a bacteria Candida albicans. Some way or the other, all women have been affected by any sort of pelvic infection. Since the area is very delicate and sensitive to any infection, up to 75% of women are affected by vaginal infection all around the world. Every healthy vagina has some bacteria and yeast cells but when the balance is disturbed by any outer cause, the yeast cells can multiply. A minor vaginal yeast infection can be treated and the person may be relived within few days but some may take a few weeks.

Vaginal yeast infection isn’t necessarily sexually transmitted disease (STD). Women who are not sexually active or married still can get a vaginal infection and once a person activates a yeast infection, they can get another one. Don’t know how to track if it’s a vaginal infection or not?! Not to worry we have got you covered! These are few symptoms that can make you understand to get yourself checked.

1. Vaginal Itching


It irritates at the oddest of all time. Itching is normal, sensitive places do itch but such itching would be prolonged and may give an effect of rash!

2. Swelling around vagina

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3. Burning During Urination and Intercourse


4. Rash around the whole area


Whitish grey and clumpy discharge is just another symptom. Some say this kind of discharge could be like cottage cheese and other say it’s very watery. Usually, the more time the infection is left untreated chances are; it may get severe.

Here are the factors that may induce the yeast infection in women;

1. Antibiotics

Because it stops the good bacteria (Lactobacillus) that protects the area from anything bad; after which the area under pelvis becomes vulnerable to germs and infection.

2. Uncontrolled Diabetes

Uncontrolled diabetes can lead to many severe things such as increased heart rate and many severe heart problems. Alongside vaginal infection.

3. Stress

Many women will agree on this, that any time they have stressed a little too much, the system down there has gone bonkers. Be careful, ladies. Try to drink more water that detoxifies the body and mind.

Now, it’s time how to get it diagnosed and treated!

It is very easy, you have to go check with your doctor and after which they’ll ask you about your medical history and your other disease. Which also includes if you had a previous history of vaginal infection. Physical examination includes a test (Pap Smear). In which if may the doctor will take some sample of cells from the vagina to get it tested in the laboratory.

After the age of 40, it gets important to get properly checked every 6 months. Do take good care of yourself and love your body and health. 😉

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